I did character design, concept art and world building for Glitchnap’s mobile local multiplayer game Sentree. For this project I had the chance to work with the amazing Erwin Kho, a 3D wizard and indie developer.
{Showcased at the Experimental Gameplay Workshop at GDC 2015, selected for EGX Rezzed 2015, nominated for A MAZE. 2015 and IndieCade 2015. Received an honorable mention for the 2016 IGF Nuovo Award!}
Part of world building was thinking of a title and creating a logo. A sentry is a guard and contains the words ent & tree, which fit the story.
Animation by Iwein Reimerink.
Lowpoly 3D model created by Erwin Kho based on my 2D croc character.
3D model by Erwin Kho. Animation test by Joon from Glitchnap.